Our focus is to build and sustain quality realationships with every family while pursuing nationally recognized goals for each child, on their individualized level.
Our goal is to assist our families in meeting their early childhood education needs through providing individualized care and daily learning experiences in every classroom, with school readiness and Kindergarten prep taught in our Pre-School room.
At ABC, we believe parents are a child's most important caregivers, and first teachers. Our goal is to partner with our families to provide a quality learning environment, where children feel safe to explore and investigate while growing socially and cognitively.
Our philosophy stems from the Reggio Emilia Approach, which is the belief that secure relationships with responsive and respectful adults provide the basis for all learning. With these relationships in place, children develop a capacity for trust, competence and independence that helps them grow as individuals.
Our teachers respect parents and work hard to involve and inform them in all aspects of their child’s day. Families are encouraged to form close, working relationships their child’s teachers, get to know the basics of our lessons, and take an active interest in expanding classroom lessons at home.
We love meeting new families! We invite you to schedule a tour.

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Child Safety
Our Commitment to Keeping Your Child Safe
Providing a safe and secure learning environment is our top priority. ABC has a set of safety and security procedures and standards that we strictly enforce.
Some of the highlights include:
Safe & secure premises. ABC offers a variety of emergency and safety devices, including lobbies equipped with electronic lock security systems. Parents must use a badge in order to gain access to classroom areas. ABC premises are video monitored to ensure quality care, sanitation, and security standards are met at all times.
Numeric ID check-in. All children are checked in and out electronically.
Visitor precautions. Photo identification is required from all visitors. Even a visitor listed as an authorized pick-up person must show federal or state-issued photo identification before they can be escorted to a classroom.
Equipment safety. Some of the many equipment precautions we take include child-sized furniture, toilets and sinks, as well as regular monitoring of all equipment to ensure it is in good working order.
Cleanliness. All staff is thoroughly trained to follow the strict Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting guidelines as set forth by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.